Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fall Fundraiser - On-Line Ordering Instructions

If you intend to sell Entertainment books for areas other than Richmond, you need to set up a seller account on their site if you want your child to get credit:

After setting that up, they provide you with a link to send e-mails to family and friends that will automatically credit our school with your seller id.

The direct link to order out of town books is:
It asks for your account# 10067459 (for our school)
and then your seller account# if you want your child to get credit for prizes.
and then the city/state or zip code to bring up the book you want.

Once you setup the seller account, you can just give the
To whomever wants to buy along with the school account# and your seller account# or use the send e-mail function through your selleraccount.

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